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Slack Notifications

Send a Slack message on each event.

Webhook Notifications

Send a Webhook request on each event.

Mobile App Notifications

Send a mobile notification on each event via Logspot mobile app.

Download the iOS app

Send Notification on Each X Event

  1. Create a notification robot in the Logspot dashboard
  2. Send a matching event

You can add _message field to the metadata which will be displayed in the notification and in the mobile app.

event: 'User Login',
userId: '[email protected]',
message: 'New login 🥳',
metadata: {
userId: 123,

Send Notification on All Events Having _notify Flag

You can send notifications automatically from the client side.

  1. Create a notification robot in the Logspot dashboard
  2. Send an event with _notify flag set to true

You can add _message field to the metadata which will be displayed in the notification and in the mobile app.

event: 'User Login',
userId: '[email protected]',
notify: true,
message: 'New login 🥳',
metadata: {
userId: 123,